OPPS, I Did It Again

I’ve jumped back in the saddle. Got back into my routine with Internet Profits, my online business. It’s been quite a week for sure. Late last week I was On my Facebook ad account. I was editing one of my ads and BOOM, the page closed. What the heck happened? I logged in again to find out my ad account and my Facebook page had been suspended. Now, I know this happens from time to time. It usually just the ad account that tells you your ad is disapproved. This is not my fist run in with FB. I’ve been disapproved before however this was the cruelest message to date …

“Your business account is
prohibited from advertising.

You can’t use Your Facebook page or its associated ad accounts to advertise. This is because your business account was disabled for violating our Advertising Policies or other standards“.

No warning, no detailed reason, just vague “advertising policy offenses”. Whatever that is. What do I do Now? My business is essentially shut down. Without any means to advertise. I won’t be getting any leads.

I started to dig into facebook’s help files. But they were no help. Still very vague and generic policies and procedures. I had emailed a few friends to see if they had any insight into the FB suspension.

I got a few responses and some real good advice/knowledge/experiences from more seasoned FB mentors in the Affiliate Marketing Advertising Niche.

There is a large learning curve with FB advertising undenounced to me. With the training I first got, I thought, just go out there and go through the tutorials and there you are, all set to roll.

What I didn’t see coming was there are many nuances involved in the FB advertising world.

The first lesson learned – you can only have ONE account per name/phone number. Maintaining multiple accounts is a violation of policy. With one account you can from there start a Fan Page, or a Business Page, or a Group Page. This was violation #1. Besides my personal page, I opened another page to be dedicated to just the business. I used my longer name Leonard, instead of Lenny No personal friends or family was invited to this page because I wanted it separate. You can’t do that,,, damn.

Second lesson – In your ads you’re not supposed to make any claims as to how much money you can make or how much I or anyone has made or can make with your offer. Guilty, Yup, how to make thousands in 30 days is a no-no! You have to make your ad offer non money oriented. It needs to solve a problem or a pain point that people feel is an issue in their lives, or that keeps them awake at night. Whether it be financial, ie. retirement, paying bills, college expenses/loans, budgets,(but no money making claims), personal, ie. health, weight loss, aging, beauty aids, a member of the family or a social issue. And nothing illegal, of course.

The next insight I didn’t see was what you do inside your page. Posting, exchanging ideas, commenting on your page and on others’ pages is all tallied and put into FB’s algorithms to ensure your on the up and up. When I got started with Internet Profits we were taught about to types of ads, free and paid ads. The paid ads were pretty straight forward. FB gives you an ad manager, sort of a template to create your ads aimed at the FB community. The issues are the ones I mentioned in the above paragraph. You have to be real conscience of how you present your offer. Enough said on that.

The other form of FB advertising is FREE advertising on FB. This is something that really isn’t a thing. You have to realize that FB was created to fill the needs of it readers. To let people be sociable and discuss daily activities and boring mundane lives. Opps, did I say that out loud? Sorry. Not. FB does not want you distracting it’s readers away from FB by being slammed with thousands of Hyperlinks that lead to websites that bark at you to send money to them for something they don’t want or need. See my point here?                                                                                                                    I mentioned Free ads.

Now in order to do the free ad thing, you can expound on the virtues of your offer, without any cost or result mentioned and without a Hyperlink blasted at the bottom of the ad. It can be submitted as either a comment or a conversation starter on your page or on other pages and groups you may have joined. The only way you can get a response from your ads is to have them reply in the affirmative or on Personal Messenger and send your link through the messenger.

FB takes all those posts, ads, comments, and anything you do, and puts them into that ‘algorithm’ I spoke of before.  If they find that your ratios, lets say, is off or not in line with their  ‘guidelines,  YOUR OUT. SHUT DOWN. DISABLED. SUSPENDED. You get the idea.

You may ask, Why do I see these crappy ads everywhere on FB. Your right, you do. That’s not to say they are all within the ‘Guidelines’. There are a lot of violators out there. Those type of advertisers don’t care if they get shut down. They will just start up again under a different guise. Until they get caught again. It’s a lifestyle for them. For me, I don’t want or need to be like them. I want to be Liked, Known, & Trusted by my peers.

This is why I need to be learning the correct way to place my ads.  This is why I’m chronicling my progress. I’m here to give my readers valuable content and information. To help and show what it takes to build a business, in my case for my retirement, so I won’t have to worry about how long the “$ta$h Will La$t”. It’s not a laughing matter when you consider there are millions that are wondering if they can EVER retire in comfort. These are the people, the families, that need the help the most.

Besides all the “professional financial strategies” that you may have heard of or payed thousands to get a miniscule amount of advice. It all comes down to one thing…that is…you need to have more money than you have now to be able to retire the way you want.

Whether your 40 or 65+, it doesn’t matter if you ain’t got the cash to retire with. IMHO, I believe I have a unique and very doable way to help. The company where I am a Certified Affiliate Marketer,  ‘Internet Profits‘ with Dean Holland at the helm has brought the internet marketing into the mainstream and has made it so simple that anyone, I mean anyone, can  create a lifetime income for themselves. 

Right now, Dean Holland has introduced his new book, the Affiliate Marketers Playbook” He reveals the truths and lies of affiliate marketing. He offers a solution through his company’s products that are geared to help so many people secure that elusive “Passive Income we all desire.

The good news is, Dean is offering this new book, FREE. Get A Copy Here. Just enter your information and he’ll send it directly to you. Then you decide if this is for you or not. No pressure, No hype, No kidding.


Thank you for visiting.

Please leave a like or comment good or bad.

Any comment and/or suggestions are always welcome

Lenny Boucher



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2 thoughts on “OPPS, I Did It Again”

  1. Hi Lenny,
    I’m sorry to hear about your account suspension.
    I mostly place Google ads and their advertising policies are also very strict. The only difference is that Google wants to give the best solution for a reader. The more people visit your site and stay on it, the conversion tracker marks this as a positive experience and the reward price of your clicks can go down. There also is a lot of prohibition like bald claims, before and after pictures that are similar.
    I’ll be sure to come back to see how you solved it. Please keep us updated.

    1. Hey Tom, Thanks for dropping in. FB is an animal all it’s own and has THOSE rules to live by. So at this time I am doing the free route with DMM (direct message marketing). Also, with the new Affiliate Systems, I have pick up the blogging again, albeit, a slow start. Writing isn’t my best suit. But it will get better the more I do-it.