Exercise for a better business
No Zoom this week. No Training. Taking a short sabbatical. Oh, Not me, but our illustrious mentor, Dean Holland is. I feel so abandoned, what are we to do? That’s right, we are left to our own defenses.
Fear not fellow followers.
We just go do the same thing we do every other day. We keep moving forward. We keep practicing our trade of choice. We exercise our skills muscles. With all the stuff we have been taught, I’m sure I will find something I can do to move my business ahead. After all we have endured 10 previous weeks of intense education designed to give us the BEGINNER’S ADVANTAGE. An advantage like no other.
My thoughts start here, this blog. I’m not a huge fan of writing blogs. I find it labor intensive and time consuming because my thoughts tend to scatter and I ramble a lot. Needing to go back and reorganize my rants. But this is why I do this, to improve this skill. I don’t think there is a class on what to write about. I mean, the purpose of this blog is to let you know what I’m doing to have a successful online business using our new Affiliate Systems program to assist me.
The end game is that my skill level will be such that it will be a walk in the park to bang out a blog and that others identify with what I’m saying and will find it a valuable skill to strengthen. So, the only way is to do that is to just keep writing blogs. It’s no big secret…you can’t learn to ride a bike until you get on it. Writing a blog is the same thing. The more you write better you get. Simple concept.
Convincing myself to sit down and write is another thing. Setting time aside to do it can be a challenge. When do I do it? Well, now is a good time I’m watching the new Survivor on TV. Not the most optimal time to write, but it works for me tonight. But putting the same time each week aside is the best way to achieve your weekly goals. Another discipline I need to work on. I suppose I should practice what I preach.
There are so many things in my online business life that needs improving. Blogging is only one aspect. I may suggest to work on one skill at a time and move to the next when you feel competent enough to do so.
For me the nuts and bolts…the tech part, is the easy part. Following instructions to tic off boxes, filling in forms, setting up triggers or sequences is a cake walk. Learning the discipline, persistence, and consistency is the challenges for any person involved in their own business. The skills needed to succeed need to be exercised. And tonight, I’m exercising my blog skill.
Survivor is over…I didn’t get voted out.
So I’ll be back, Lenny