It’s Not About Myself. Well Maybe A Little Bit.
To those of us who are retired or are thinking about retirement (50’ish +) the big questions come up. When will you be able to retire and will you have enough and how long will it last? If the answers to these questions is no, or I don’t know, we’re in big trouble. What I have found out is that many of us are in this group of “I don’t know”.
How This Started
The fact is retirement planning was never on my radar. Oh, I knew I needed to get a plan. That was forty years ago. I did have an IRA, doing alright with it for a few years. But then, life happened, got married, bought a house, traveled, had three kids, raised and educated them, brought them to their perspective sports every day, until they went off to college. In other words, we were the average family going through LIFE. Ya, LIFE got in the way. Before I knew it I was 64 with less than ideal savings. My life long job was “eliminated”. My plan to retire at 70 was gone.
Who’s To Blame?
Ultimately, me of course. But not totally. I suspect and believe our education system is geared to only teach how to get a good job with a good pay and then we’re hammered every day on how to spend it, NOT, how to save or invest or prepare for life after working 40 to 50 years.
But that’s a rant for another day.
What Can We Do about it Today?
My focus here is I want to be able to reveal and share the realities we face in planning and executing retirement, present solutions, and actions we need to implement for our success and invite others to comment and contribute. We all have run across advice during our lifetimes. Some we have ignored, some we have forgotten, and some we wish we had listened to.
My hope is that I may be able to strike a familiar note with my readers. You may get an “aha moment” or a “ya right” or “I know what you’re saying” out of this. All in all, whatever your reaction, I want to raise awareness of our own futures and help all to be in control of it. No one else has that power, only ourselves.
What I’m Doing Now
I have learned a hard lesson and I need to pass on what I’m doing to help. After I was “let go” from my job and still working part time at the local home improvement store, I looked for another job but they were all the same, offering little or even less than my lost job. I looked elsewhere and turned to the internet for help. I discovered Affiliate Marketing. This offered an opportunity, I felt, that was unlimited. I was in control of how much I could make. Little, if any upfront cost. All I needed was a laptop and learn some skills. Sounded simple. I saw how others were succeeding with this type of online marketing. I wanted to grasp the concept of “affiliate marketing” and learn how it worked.
After many tries to get started and failing at most attempts, falling down the Shiny Object Rabbit Hole, $pending thousand$ by listening to false gurus and so called experts, and wasting so much time. I believe I have found a true mentor (among so many imposters), that I was looking for. It all started WITH THIS.
Today, I am a Certified Partner with Internet Profits. Dean has made available to me all the tools needed to get my New Business going in a very short time. Dean’s mantra in this business model is you only succeed by showing others how to succeed first.
So this platform’s purpose is to help others find solutions to the “monetary deficit that we endure. In other words, I want to write about how and what I am doing to make more money with affiliate marketing so you can benefit from my experiences.
Learning is the key.
Whether it’s Affiliated Marketing, another job or starting a new business or just getting your financials in order, we all need to learn and educate ourselves to become what we dreamed of a long time ago. So here we go, like it or not. It’s up to us to help each other reach our goals.
To that end I have started this Blog.
Let’s do this together,
Our Success Is At Hand,