Not sure what this week will bring, but with the all the overwhelm I experienced last week I think I’m over it now. It just took a little focusing.
Week 6 seems to be a little less of a deep dive into what the Big Picture is and making sure all the pieces are in place. All the onetime adjustments and settings have been made.
So looking ahead is the Big Picture. The vision of what it will look like when you you arrive. But you have to start with the first step. The first step is my Blog. Why do I have it? What can it do for me? I admit I tried to write a blog in the beginning, however it wasn’t with the intension to help others through the difficult paths in affiliate marketing. It was more about getting leads and sales. A very narrow minded attitude. That was a few years ago and the posts are still there, just to remind me. I was off on my own doing what I thought was a THE thing to do. As you see, it didn’t last too long and I stopped posting.
What happened before is I wrote the post and did nothing with it. I mean, I didn’t tell anyone it was there. I didn’t share it; I didn’t post it on FB or any social platform. I couldn’t reply to anyone, BC no one knew it was there. I was all alone in ‘Blog-land’.
DUH! What was I thinking? What was I supposed to get out of THAT? It was a colossal waste of time and effort.
Now, I have a new viewpoint, a new purpose if you will.
With better direction and purpose, I have become aware that blogs exist only to be shared, to be read and replied to. I can create a following and friends, possibly a community of like people that their sole purpose is to help others see that they are not alone and there is another someone who is on the same page in their affiliate journey. Together we get to figure it out and prosper. All Because I let them know I am here to lend a hand to those that need and want it.
To be sure this is not an overnight success, it is still a process in which you develop and nurture. Letting my readers know, like and trust what/who I am all about. It takes time and effort.
Be consistent and persistent. I can be the go-to person they ask questions of. Not that I’m the expert, but I may have a few ideas that may help or I can direct them to the answer they seek because of my experiences and what I have learned.
When I feel I have established a rapport with my list/followers and when they see that I am doing well with the Affiliate Systems, the same platform that gave me the opportunity to get up and try again. I could suggest they look at the same platform I am using and maybe they will invest in it as well.
But the sale is not my primary goal. The primary goal is only to be a friend to those that seek help or commiserate about their online journey. It’s been said before, “Stop Chasing The Money, Let The Money Chase You”. If only more people understood and followed this mantra. We need to trust in the process.
Emails is another avenue I want to use to grow my business. It’s been advised that at least one email a week. Two or more would be better. If they have chosen to be on my list, they deserve to hear from me more often than once a week. I want to get them to be followers and look forward to what I am doing by offering to help them improve their lives.
Simple, Bottom line is this: I am here building my online business and sharing it with anyone, the good, bad, and the ugly. With that I may get a response from someone that they would like to build an online business too and wants to follow me to see how I do.
If I do well, they get excited…I get paid.
Seeing the Big Picture starts with the small steps you need to do to build on your successes, always keeping your eye on the prize.
Personal Note:
Sometimes the Big Picture is hard to see. We get caught up in the day-to-day drudgery of life and loose our perspective and focus. Life does this to us and we are not aware of its effects.
It’s kinda like raising a family and one day you stop, look up, and the kids are graduating, getting married, or having kids of their own and moved away. You say where has all that time gone. It went so fast. In a blink. In a flash.
Ya, That’s what happens. Cherish all the mundane moments in your life. As small as they seem, commit it memory and you’ll have it forever.
Keep looking forward, but never lose sight of where you came from.
As always, thanks for stopping by, leave a comment, Like it on FB. Let me know how you feel.
To the top for all of us,