My Why

My First Post, Why I’m Here

my first post

Hello Everyone. My name is Lenny.

Today I’m doing something I thought I would never do or had  any interest in doing. Yup, I’m posting my first blog. I would like to share with you a little bit about why I got  into this blog stuff.

Ok, Well,  Last year I retired from a 30 year career in the construction equipment industry. Not all that was with the same company of course (who does that?). Anyway, I ended my illustrious career with a company I had 18 yrs with. More accurately they ended it for me. Why? I was 62, (shhhh! you can’t say that out loud because it’s against the law to fire you because of your age.) also the highest salaried technician.  So, they said they were “eliminating” my position. Which they filled again in 6 months. A fine reward for putting in all those dedicated years.

After that debacle, I took a J.O.B. with a farm equipment company closer to home. All was going well, until they changed the benefit policies. One being a very important one to me. You see, I had accumulated 4 weeks of vacation over the years and used them to vacation with my family. In all their wisdom, the powers that be, decreed from this point forward, January 2018, no one could take any more than 1 vacation week at a time, no matter how many weeks had accrued. After this notice was delivered, I promptly delivered my notice and fired my employer. Maybe this was a little premature because I knew retirement was creeping up on my wife and I and our Golden Years Nest Egg was still in the bronze stage. Really not enough to completely retire.

Shortly after this I did some digging and found out I wasn’t alone. There is a whole population out there that is somehow in the same boat I am. They have a name… Baby Boomers.  How could this happen? We had 401’s, IRA’s. and some had pensions. The experts said this was going to be our savior. But it wasn’t. And the reason is we either didn’t put enough away or started too late or didn’t save at all. Crushing news because I was the one that started too late.

Question is where am I at?                                                                                                       What to do about it?                                                                                                                  There are so many of us.                                                                                                                Which brings me to my WHY.                                                                                                      At first , I got angry. After I calmed down, I knew exactly what I needed to do. I needed to tell as many as I could about where we’re at in our life’s journey to retirement and what we can do to make it better.  So this why this blog has been created, to inform and help anyone that needs it. I want to provide a place for all to take advantage of such things as business opportunities, ways to maximize your savings, and tips on how to reduce life’s costs.

We all know there is a problem. What to do first? We need to start to educate ourselves. Read, take money courses, start a “side gig”, earn more money to reach the comfort zone for our golden years. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Right?

I have always been intrigued by marketing, especially online. We all do it. If you buy anything online, you are involved in online marketing. It works, doesn’t it. The good thing is, I have been studying online marketing. I tried a few programs and courses to learn how to start your own business online. Some were good and some not so much. But I did learn. The key is to find one that fits and stay with it. Quitting won’t get you to where you want to be until you find the right program that will help you do this.

Last week I joined up and partnered with Dean Holland’s Internet Profits and I am going through his 30 day challenge to launch a new business. I believe He has a perfect vehicle to to allow anyone to work towards their retirement without worries.

My hope is, by sharing with you this journey, that this will help others to move to advance their futures.

Please visit again. It’ll be fun to get to know you all.

Here We Go … Thanks For Stopping By,

TTYL, Lenny

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